
My name is Bobby. I started my entrepreneurial journey over 10 years ago and I created this blog to share that journey along with what I’m currently working on.

I’m a quiet guy who doesn’t like spending all day in the dm’s, on the phone, or working for other people. So I found some unique ways to make an income online to bypass all of this.

Some of this stuff has worked well. Some of this stuff didn’t work. Then some of this stuff I’m currently working on.

I know I have a disclaimer page and again, nothing that I share on this blog is investment advice. There’s a good chance that I do not personally know you, the way your brain thinks, or what your work ethic is. As I mentioned earlier, some of the stuff I’ve tried didn’t work for me. Mostly due to how much time I put into it.

However, I will share my personal journey. What I’ve done, what I’m currently doing, and things I discover along the way. I hope that it brings you tremendous value and helps you find the success you’re looking for in your personal journey.

Thanks for reading and I wish you the best,


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